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InfiniHacks Hacker Code Of Conduct

InfniHacks is an inclusive and safe environment where participants can have fun, learn, and explore to their infinite potential. To achieve this goal, InfniHacks imposes a code of conduct to ensure that everyone has the right to hack in a  safe and welcoming environment.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, sponsors, partners, volunteers and staff at our hackathon are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event, and we expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

InfiniHacks aim to provide a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, regardless of the following:

  • Gender

  • Gender identity and expression

  • Age

  • Sexual orientation

  • Disability

  • Physical appearance

  • Body size

  • Race

  • Ethnicity

  • Nationality

  • Religion

  • Political views

  • Previous hackathon attendance or lack of

  • Computing experience or lack of

  • Chosen programming language or tech stack

As an open and welcoming environment, we do not accept any of the following behaviour:

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech/actions.

  • Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to age, background, belief, disability, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, identity, national origin, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics, including those protected by law.

  • Inappropriate use of sexual language or imagery.

  • Real or implied threat of professional or financial damage or harm.

  • Inappropriate disruption of meetings or events.

  • Photographing, video or audio recording of slides, oral or poster presentations without presenter/author’s permission.

  • Violating the rules and regulations of the online platform (e.g. Discord, Zoom, Google Meet).

We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, no matter where the event, such as the following:

  • Hacks

  • Talks, presentations, or demos

  • Workshops

  • Any parties associated to the hackathon

  • Social media

  • Any other online media

Instead, we encourage kind and civil behaviour such as: 

  • Use of welcoming and inclusive language

  • Showing respect for different viewpoints and experience

  • Graceful acceptance of constructive criticism

  • Make space for others to speak and ask questions

  • Appreciate that people will have different skill, levels of knowledge and expertise – be patient

We carefully review every case and incident, and if the code of conduct has been violated, we will enforce penalities such as:

  • Educating the person as to the consequences of their actions.

  • Removal from the meeting or event.

  • Restrictions from future meetings and events.

  • Removal from mailing list or positions on committees or working groups.

  • Report behavior to local law enforcement

If you feel uncomfortable or think there may be a potential violation of the code of conduct,
please report it immediately using one of the following methods:

Contact an InfiniHacks staff member directly on Discord or Instagram

If you would like to contact the staff directly, please email:​

If you do not feel comfortable and want to email an organizer directly:

Edward Li -​

Yani Mei -

If there is a Life-Threatening Emergency, contact:

Phone: 911​


If you have any questions or concerns, please email

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